Stuffed And Grilled Abura-Age [Tofu]

Stuffed And Grilled Abura-Age [Tofu]

1. To open the abura-age use a round bladed knife and insert gently to open.

2. Put in sieve and pour hot water in kettle over it to wash off excess oil.

3. Put one slice on chopping board and roll over several times with a rolling pin then cut carefully to make two bags. Repeat with remaining pieces.

4. Mix the filling in a bowl. Check and add more shoyu if needed.

5. Fill the bags with the filling. Grill or broil under a preheated grill or broiler for 3-4 minutes on high ON EACH SIDE. It should be crisp and lightly browned.

6. Cut each bag into four triangles. Arrange on 4 small plates.

7. Serve hot.


